The Castle

Information of interest:

It was one of the main elements defining the historic topography of the town’s urban development. Remains of houses and forts going back to Roman Dianium have been excavated on its slopes. Its design dates from the Muslim period between the 11th and 12th centuries. Since then, we can trace different reforms through its architecture. We may point out those from the Almohade period, the construction of the Red Tower and the Council’s Tower in the 15th century, the bastions and other Renaissance systems of defense, including the rebuilding of the Governor’s Palace in the 16th and 17th centuries, sponsored by the Duke of Lerma, Marquis of Dénia.

During the Spanish War of Succession (early 18th c.) the palace and the Villa Vella or Old City were destroyed and the abandonment of the military outpost in 1859 have defined the past few centuries.

Currently, the Castle is a highly symbolic heritage site, the place where a great number of preservation and restoration works are carried out and also proposing innovative cultural diffusion.

At the top of the site you can visit the Archaeological Museum of the city.


It is located on a gentle hill beside the sea and in the historical city centre.

Pedestrian access:Next to the Town Hall of Dénia, you will find stairways on Hospital street which we walk up. After this 1st steps, we find another stairway section to the left on Mare Amparo street which takes us directly to Sant Francesc street accessing the Castle.

Access by car: Only accepted for people with functional disabilities (Access to the Governor's Esplanade).

Opening hours of the Castle:

Open daily, check its schedule HERE

C/ Sant Francesc, s/n

Tel.: 96 642 06 56